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Newsletter - August 2014

We would like to inform you about some important events connected with NOARK Electric Europe.


Dear business partners,

we are very happy to share the new issue of NOARK Newsletter with you. As our range of product is expanding, the new products are introduced in this issue. Thanks to your suggestions, we are able to develop products that are important to you and help you to maintain high quality of your work.

We would also like to invite you to Energetab 2014, the international fair in Poland, where you will also have an opportunity to get to know more about the new products in our range and get advices from the professional in the field. We would also like to invite you to a conference about distribution of electricity to Serbia and to Czech Republic, where the For Energo fair will take a place.

As always one member of our team will be introduced to you. In this issue, Mr. Eugen Toma, the Country Sales Manager from NOARK Electric Romania, will describe his role in our company.

We wish you a beautiful last days of summer and enjoy the reading.

See you next issue!


NOARK Electric Europe


NOARK at trade fairs

Energetab 2014

On International Power Industry Fair Energetab 2014 will present about 800 submissions from exhibitors from 30 countries in Europe, Asia and America. The companies will present their offer in the area of power engineering, electrical engineering, lighting, machinery and electrical equipment, cables and connectors, controls, accessories, automation systems, lightning protection systems and environmental protection in the energy sector.

We are pleased to announce you that, company Noark Electric will presented at the Energetab fair, which takes place in the Bielsko-Biała in Poland. We invite you to visit our stand since 16th to the 17th of September in hours: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m., on the 18th of September in hours: 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. You will find us in Pavilion O, stand number 3.

Company Noark Electric will present its most recent products and solutions for the European energy sector, providing a full range of products to the global markets as well as the majority of domestic suppliers of technologically advanced machinery, equipment and apparatus, aimed at generating and supplying electricity.



CIRED Liaison Committee of Serbia in cooperation with respective CIRED Committees of Montenegro, Romania and other committees, companies and experts from the Region organize the IX Conference on Electricity Distribution of Serbia with regional contribution in Vrnjacka Banja, September 22-26, 2014.

CIRED Liaison Committee of Serbia is the professional and expert organization; dedicated to the exchange of knowledge and expertise in the technical field of electricity distribution. It gathers professionals and experts from power distribution companies, electrical engineering faculties, institutes and others from Serbia and the region.

This conference will provide an excellent opportunity for scientists, experts, businessmen, electricity distribution companies directors, engineers, manufacturers, users and repair services of electricity distribution equipment, as well as professors and researchers, consultants, designers and managers from all fields that are part of the distribution system to meet.

During the Conference, an exhibition of equipment, services and new technologies from the field of electricity distribution will be organized, in which many foreign and local company take part (more than 50).

Noark Electric is second time participant on this Conference. Previous Conference was very successful for us with many visitors on the stand. This year our stand is C6 and we will present our offer for electricity distribution companies.


For Energo 2014

NOARK will participate on the international fair of power engineering, electronics and automation For Energo. The main goal of the fair is to introduce the new products in it´s field, mainly in power engineering, electronics, automation, engineering technology, surface revisions and welding.

Energo Summit with and actual topics from the field will be a part of the fair. Visitors can join various lectures that are focusing on a future use of renewable sources and projects of energetic savings. Other topics that will be presented are new energetic sources in EU (except OZE technologies), E-mobility, global energy trends and impact on Czech Republic.

We would like to invite you to our exhibition stand where the specialist from the field will introduce you the new products and their advantages. While getting to know more about the products we will be very happy to offer you a little refreshment. You can visit us from 18th – 20th November, 2014, 9:00 AM – 17:00 PM in PVA Letňany Prague.


New products in NOARK assortment

Consumer units with sheet-steel door PMF

The new line of consumer units with sheet-steel door PMF is intended mainly for domestic applications. The enclosures are designed for flush mounting and they have also the possibility to be mounted into hollow walls, i.e. from plasterboards. The units are available in versions from 12 up to 48 modules with 12 (+2) modules per a row. Degree of protection is IP40.

Detailed information about new line of consumer units PMF you can find on product page.

Power distribution blocks PDB

Power Distribution Blocks PDB are used for saving space and wiring time. They are used mainly in the low-voltage industrial boards when it is necessary to distribute current from one input conductor through more output cables. They will be offered in variants for rated current from 80 up to 400 A.

More information you can find on PDB product page.


Interview with Country Sales Manager Romania Mr. Eugen Toma

In this issue of Noark Newsletter, we put a few questions to Mr. Eugen Toma:


What is your position and responsibility in NOARK?

I work as Country Sales Manager for Romania, my main responsibility is to coordinate the activity fot the Romanian NOARK branch and to create a new brand in the Romania market.


When have you joined the company?

From the beginning, 32 months ago.


What is your daily work?

Keeping in touch with my team, meetings with partners, searching the for the new opportunities in the market which can help us to consolidate and improve our position in the market.


What is your main target?

After 4 years of activity to be no. 3 in the Romanian market for the distribution segment.


What is the most important progress?

The most important progress is that after 32 hard working months the market accepted NOAEK like a premium product from quality point of view and they are comparing NOARK with the top brands.


What are next planned milestones?

As many projects to be designed with NOARK products, every year to gain between 2 – 3% from the market, after 4 years of activity to be seen as a premium brand at national level.


What is specific in the Romanian market?

90% of the Romanian market ask for quality products.


What you find challenging on your job?

To build a brand.



Eugen Toma   
Country Sales Manager for Romania  







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