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Newsletter - June 2015

We would like to thank you and share with you the latest sucesses of our company.

Dear Business Partners,


we are pleased to welcome you in the new issue of our Newsletter. As the first half of the year is almost over, the time to share new information has come. Continue reading to find out more about new products in our assortment, Noark´s last achievements and development.

We would also like to take this opportunity to thank you for visiting our exhibition stand at the Amper and For Energo fairs. A brief summary and pictures can be found on the lines below.

NOARK successfully grows and develops it´s activities. Today, the new European Technology Centre, which has been mentioned in the last issue, will be introduced in more detail.

This time, our colleague Žiko Obradovič, who is responsible for business activities and development in the countries of former Yugoslavia, answers some questions and gives you an idea about his role at Noark.

We wish you a beautiful summer and it´s end we will meet again over a few lines about our future development.

In closing we wish you a beautiful & safe summer. Enjoy the reading!


NOARK Electric Europe


New product in NOARK assortment


Installation signal lamps Ex9PDe

Offer of installation devices has been extended with installation signal lamps Ex9PDe, which are designed and tested according to standard IEC/EN 60947-5-1. They are based on LED technology and suitable e.g. for circuit status indication.

There are available versions with rated operating voltage 24, 48 and 230 V AC/DC, with one or two dual-colour (green/red) LEDs. The last variant with three red LEDs is available with operating voltage 230/400 V AC. This kind of signal lamp is used mainly for phase voltage presence check in 3-phase connections.

All versions are designed as 1 module unit wide devices including the three LED variant. Used technology of LED lights ensures very low power consumption during operations and very high lifetime.

More information you can find on product page.


NOARK at the fairs

Amper 2015

In the last issue of Noark´s newsletter we invited you to visit our Noark stand at the fairs Amper and For Energo. The International fair Amper took place in Brno from 15th to 18th March 2015, the fair For energo was held in Prague from 21st to 23rd April 2015. The visitors could see new products in our assortment as well as the regular products. New customers had a chance to get to know more about Noark thanks to short introductory videos. The fairs also offered opportunities to meet members of our sales team face to face.

One more thank to all of you, who used the invitation and came to visit our stand and meet the members of our sales team. The attendance was very high and we were pleasantly surprised.

We have already started with preparations of our stand for the Amper fair, which will be held in Brno next year.


Noark extends its European activities with technology centre

Company Noark Electric Europe has started another stage in expansion of its activities. In parallel to extending of sales network, there was established European Technology Centre located in Prague, the Czech Republic.

The purpose of the ETC centre is intensification of development of new products. There are set three main development groups in the initial phase of the ETC activities. The first group will be focused on development of electric devices and accessories mainly. Another team is intended for designing of mechanical structures, specifically of enclosures and their systems or mechanical accessories. The third from the early development groups deals with creation of software tools.

Initial development activities are primarily focused on European markets, globally utilizable products, technologies or approaches will be, however, used in other regions too. The next phase of ETC activities will be extended also to development of new technologies which will form a platform of future product groups with global application.

The ETC centre is currently being in the final stage of its preparation. There is running equipping with technologies and hiring of development workers now. The development activities themselves will start during this summer.


Interview with County Manager for former Yugoslavia Žiko Obradovič

In this issue of Noark Newsletter, we put a few questions to Mr. Žiko Obradovič:


What is your position and responsibility in NOARK?

My position is Country Manager- region of Former Yugoslavia and I am responsible for all our business activities on this region.

When have you joined the company?

15th of July 2012, several months after really beginning of company activities in Europe. On the beginning I was key person for door opening in Former Yugoslavia, together with colleague Marek Tišer from Czech Republic.

What is your daily work?

Every day is different: regular visit of existing partners and communication with them, investigation for new potential partners, technical and operative issues, brand promotion....

What is your main target?

My main target is to establish and develop Noark as a strong brand on the field of low voltage components.

What is specific on Serbia market?

Although we are small market, there are all famous low voltage brands on the market. Unfortunately, because of the crisis, there are not so many new projects here. One hand there is big competition for all kind of projects and, on the other hand, big chance for us in the same time, because we are the first company with perfect quality and reasonable prices.

What is the most important progress?

Noark brand is more and more visible and all customers really trust to our products and solutions.

What you found challenging on your job?

First, I am very happy because, from unknown brand, we have very good business results now, justafter three years. Definitely, there is a big progress and it makes me strong and happy.




Žiko Obradovič 
Country Manager
region of Former Yugoslavia