Ex9BN series modular circuit breakers are universal devices for all types of application meeting the high demands of standards for circuit breakers for household use pursuant to EN 60898, with nominal currents ranging from 1 to 63 A. Short-circuit breaking capacity Icn is 6 kA. In both cases, the Icn capacity above applies to all breaker versions, i.e. up to a nominal current of 63 A with D tripping characteristics.
Circuit breakers Ex9BN are supplied in 1, 1+N, 2, 3, 3+N and 4-pole design with pole width corresponding to one module (18 mm). Tripping characteristics B, C and D. In terms of mechanical properties, both Ex9BH and Ex9BN series are fully compatible.
They can be combined with wide range of accessories including auxiliary and signal contacts, shunt trip release, undervoltage and overvoltage release or RCD add-on block. It is possible to create diversed combination of accessories. These combinations are only limited by total number, not by the type of accessories - all components fit together. It can be used up to three units of auxiliary or alarm contacts plus up to two units for release units.